January 13, 2016

Why We Love to Read about Food

Why We Love to Read about Food

On the show today… still no King Cake in the Young household. Well… I haven’t made a King Cake, but I have eaten 3 slices from 3 different King Cakes so far. And, no, I did not get the baby. We are talking about why we love to read about food today as I share with you a wonderful article by Christie Purifoy at GraceTable.org. Listener feedback, married couples who are chefs and restaurant owners, Nero Wolfe, and more on The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith!


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Tea & Toast: Why We Love to Read about Food

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I love the work that Kris Camealy and the good folks at GraceTable.org are doing. And this article is just one reason why. Christie Purifoy has an important message. Food and meals are important… even the ones you only read about.

I share the article and my thoughts on the show. Listen to hear it. You can also click on the link below to read the article yourself. And share it. I think other people need to read it too. Thank you.

Tea and Toast: Why We Love to Read About Food

Nostrano Owners Might Look to Sell Restaurant

You might be interested. Or you might know someone who is. Please pass this information along. Long-time listener Kay Buettner clued me in on this married chef couple and their award-winning restaurant. Tim and Elizabeth Dahl are looking either for financial investors or a buyer.

Again, thank you.

***Featured image used courtesy of Yummy-Books.com and can be found here: http://yummy-books.com/2012/07/24/tea-with-mr-tumnus/***
