The Kiss of Jesus: Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle on The Catholic Foodie Show

I have wanted to have Donna-Marie join me here on The Catholic Foodie Show for quite some time, and the recent release of her new book provided the perfect opportunity. The Kiss of Jesus is the name of the book, published by Ignatius Press.
Suffering has been called the “kiss of Jesus” by holy souls. I think of Catherine Doherty of Madonna House and Mother Teresa of Calcutta in this context. It’s the kiss of Jesus. There’s something intimate about that… about suffering. It can, if we allow it, bring us closer to God. And sometimes God allows it for exactly that reason.
We all suffer. Suffering is part of the human condition. We cannot escape it. Yet, some of us suffer more that others. But no matter the amount, no matter the intensity or the duration, in the suffering we all have an opportunity to allow it to soften our hearts and to carry us closer to God.
In The Kiss of Jesus, Donna-Marie tells her story, the good and the bad. She doesn’t shy away from the dark corners. She tells her story because she knows that so many of us are suffering. We are hurting and we are trying to make sense of it all. We are trying to find God in the midst of it. Donna-Marie understand the power of stories, and she shares hers knowing that doing so might just give hope to you and to me. You can listen now to our conversation….
Today Donna-Marie joins me here on The Catholic Foodie Show to talk about her latest book, The Kiss of Jesus. Click the Play button below to listen to the show. You can always right-click and save-as to download the show for listening later.
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