February 3, 2015

The Catholic Foodie and LOLA Deux on The Cooking Channel

The Catholic Foodie and LOLA Deux on The Cooking Channel

I’m going to be on TV.

So is my son.

And several of my friends.


I know it’s really not that big of a deal. It’s not like we are becoming stars or anything. But it is kinda exciting. It is kinda fun.

Back in November of 2013, I wrote about The Cooking Channel show Eat Street coming to Covington to feature my friends Keith & Nealy Frentz and their restaurant and food truck: LOLA and LOLA Deux. As a local food writer and radio personality, I was invited to be on-camera that day. It was a lot of fun, and – as usual – the food was excellent.

I anxiously awaited the news as to when the show would air, but no news ever came. After a few months, I became convinced that my performance was so bad that they decided to scrap the whole episode. But, as it turns out, I was wrong. Eat Street just plans waaayyyy in advance. The episode debuts tonight at 9:30 Central on the Cooking Channel.

Check out the trailer here:
