
A collection of 3 posts

Jul 18, 2011

CF117 – Super Simple Summer Salads

CF117 – Super Simple Summer Salads

Show Notes for CF117 This is Jeff Young the Catholic Foodie at, and you’re listening to episode 117 of The Catholic Foodie: Super Simple Summer Salads. Welcome, folks, to the

Jun 14, 2010

CF75 – OPA! Greek Fest 2010

CF75 – OPA! Greek Fest 2010

Char joins me on the show today to recap the Greek Fest. We talk about grilling, share some feedback, and I talk Char into sharing her Tabouleh (tabouli) recipe. Dinner woes? Sarah Reinhard

Jun 6, 2009

Tabouli or Tabouleh?

Tabouli or Tabouleh?

No matter how you spell it, it is still the same yummy goodness of tomatoes, parsley, mint, bulgar wheat, onions, green onions, olive oil and lemon juice. And it is oh-so-good! I am