
A collection of 301 posts

Sep 21, 2014

Around the Table with Leah Chase

Around the Table with Leah Chase

Leah Chase, known as the Queen of Creole Cuisine [http://www.dookychaserestaurant.com/chef], can still be found in the kitchen every day at the famous Dooky Chase’s Restaurant [http://www.dookychaserestaurant.

Jul 26, 2014

New Orleans' FARE Food Apothecary

New Orleans' FARE Food Apothecary

Chef Matt Murphy [http://www.theirishhouseneworleans.com/chef-matt-murphy/] – owner and chef of The Irish House in New Orleans [http://theirishhouseneworleans.com/] – and his wife Alicia join us on the Around the Table Food

May 4, 2014

Jazz Fest and Crawfish Talk

Jazz Fest and Crawfish Talk

New Orleans Jazz Fest and Crawfish Talk Today is the last day of Jazz Fest 2014 [http://nojazzfest.com/], and I did not go this year. Just too much on my plate, I

May 2, 2014

Easter Feasting... with Nuns!

Easter Feasting... with Nuns!

How Nuns Celebrate the Easter Feast Today on The Catholic Foodie podcast [http://cfjwyoung.wpengine.com/category/podcast] Sr. Julia Darrenkamp and Sr. Tracey Dugas from the Daughters of St. Paul [http://www.

Apr 10, 2014

Pasta Milanese by Chef John Besh

Pasta Milanese by Chef John Besh

Pasta Milanese for a Friday Meatless Meal in Lent There is only one week left in Lent, which makes tomorrow is our last Friday of abstinence from meat. Next Friday is Good Friday,
