New Orleans

A collection of 61 posts

Aug 12, 2013

Chef Joe and the Mission of Cafe Reconcile

Chef Joe and the Mission of Cafe Reconcile

Feed Your Soul: Chef Joe – Culinary Instructor – Celebrates 10 Years Serving the Mission of Cafe Reconcile Back in May we had the privilege of talking with Dave Emond, Director of Development for Cafe

Jul 5, 2013

Mint Julep – A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

Mint Julep – A Refreshing Summer Cocktail

The Mint Julep: A Refined Southern Beverage Like the Sazerac (another refined southern beverage), the Mint Julep’s base liquor is bourbon. A connoisseur of bourbon can easily discern and appreciate the differences

Jun 14, 2013

Cafe Hope and the Creole Tomato Festival

Cafe Hope and the Creole Tomato Festival

Cafe Hope and the Creole Tomato Festival Our guests on the Around The Table Food Show for Friday, June 7, 2013 were Luis Arocha, Executive Director of Cafe Hope, and Amy Kirk, Marketing

Jun 11, 2013

Shrimp Remoulade Salad

The first time I had a Shrimp Remoulade Salad was at Mandina’s in New Orleans []. I was young, in college at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and we