May 10, 2016

Sometimes It's OK to Stock Up on Frozen Pizzas

Sometimes It's OK to Stock Up on Frozen Pizzas

A couple of weeks ago, Katie Sciba (of joined me on The Catholic Foodie Show. We did talk food. Really. We did. A little, at least. But mostly we talked about anxiety and depression… and little ways that we can see hope even in the darkness.

It all started with a blog post that Katie wrote the week before our interview. It’s called The Blog Post about Anxiety. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend doing so. I wanted Katie to join me on the show to talk about that post because it was so raw, so real, and so… hopeful.

That, and the fact that talking about our pain can be very healing. We are all broken and so many of us are hurting. But God is here. Right here with us. And God is on our side. Even if it doesn’t feel like it.

As The Catholic Foodie, I encourage families to cook real food together and to share meals together. In a culture moving at increasingly high speeds of busyness, that is a salutary and necessary goal. But we all need to remember that food is made for man, not man for food. [Hat tip to Jesus on that one. ;-)] That means that sometimes it’s OK to stock up on frozen pizzas. Or to do like I did when I crashed after finishing my book: make stopping by the grocery to pick a rotisserie chicken a daily habit. For a time, that is.


Click the Play button below to listen to the show. You can always right-click and save-as to download the show for listening later.

Read The Blog Post about Anxiety

Here’s the beginning of the blog post that started my conversation with Katie:

I know I’m not the first to speak up, but right there in the middle of my struggles, I thought I was both alone and legitimately crazy.

I have anxiety.

Not the general kind when I worry sometimes, but the paralyzing, *every mole hill is a mountain* kind with racing thoughts, increased heart rate, tears, and total cessation of rational thinking that come in the form of really bad attacks.

And I have some depression peppered in too, as long as I’m laying it out. Actually my doctor said I have a perfect balance of both. I mean, I strive for perfection so that’s cool.

And you know what? I’m in great company.

I recently bared my soul to a group of friends online. “I’m struggling,” I told them, “the things that used to make me happy seem insurmountable…I don’t know how I’m going to maintain my blog or do a radio show. I’m barely functioning.”

Read the rest of it by clicking here:

***Featured photo courtesy of Andrea on***
