Sick Pilgrim: Out on a Limb

Jessica Griffith and Jonathan Ryan are pilgrims. Sick pilgrims, to be exact. And they are on a mission to remind us all that we are pilgrims here on earth. A major part of their mission is to equip and rally together what they call servant artists, artists who draw back the veil of the Mystery through their work, which they perform in the service of the world.

Jessica and Jonathan join me around the table today to talk about Sick Pilgrim, Catholic Weird, Mystery and sacrament, October and ghost stories, and, of course, servant artists. Oh, and we may have talked about the mystique of New Orleans. Once. OK, maybe twice.

This show in particular brought me great joy. Im delighted to have had the opportunity to hang out with Jessica and Jonathan, and I hope we can do it again soon. [Hint. Hint.]


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Books byJessica Mesman Griffith

Books by Jonathan Ryan

And Just for Fun

A bit of New Orleans / Catholic Weird… for your viewing pleasure!