November 7, 2013

Pope Francis, Rome, Restaurants and Basil Pesto

Pope Francis, Rome, Restaurants and Basil Pesto
Photo by Artur Rutkowski / Unsplash

Msgr. Christopher Nalty Reports from Rome

Another first for the Around the Table Food Show! While on pilgrimage in Rome, Msgr. Christopher Nalty joins us via phone.

Some of our conversation covered:

  • Nalty’s take on food in Rome
  • the difference between food in Italy and food in New Orleans
  • loving Rome but missing home (“Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?“)
  • what it is like to be so close to Pope Francis
  • the power of the words and actions of Pope Francis
  • and the massive crowds that gather at the regular Wednesday audiences of Pope Francis

Northern Italian Cuisine Versus the American Idea of Italian Food

David Dawson and I also discussed the difference between northern Italian cuisine and what we typically think of as Italian food here in the United States. The conversation started because I shared my experience of dining at Artu Trattoria in Boston, and that got Dave wondering what makes northern Italian cuisine so distinct.

As an example of the differences, I pulled some sample dishes from one of my favorite restaurants on the Northshore of New Orleans: Ristorante Del Porto.

The show ended with a recipe for Basil Pesto. It is super-easy to make, and it is so delicious (and healthy!) that it will knock your socks off! You can find the recipe for Basil Pesto by clicking here.

Listen Now

Listen to the Around the Table Food Show by clicking on the “play” button below. Or to download the MP3 version and listen at your convenience, just right-click this link and save it to your computer: Pope Francis, Rome, Restaurants and Basil Pesto.


The Around the Table Food Show

Around The Table Food Show debuted on Friday, April 12, 2013 in New Orleans and Baton Rouge on Catholic Community Radio (690 AM in NOLA and 1380AM in BR). It is also available for listening online.

Like The Catholic Foodie podcast, Around The Table Food Show is a radio show that talks about food and faith. Around The Table celebrates the joy of cooking and dining, and it encourages folks to get into the kitchen and to gather around the table with family and friends… Because good things happen around the table.

Around The Table Food Show highlights the local culture and cuisine of south Louisiana. The show is hosted by Dave Dawson and myself. Dave Dawson is the president of Catholic Community Radio, which has stations in both Baton Rouge and New Orleans.

The show airs on Fridays at 3:10 PM Central (just after the Divine Mercy Chaplet) in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The listening area spans from the Mississippi/Alabama border all the way to the west of Baton Rouge on the way to Lafayette.

Each broadcast is recorded, archived, and released as a podcast. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. The first two broadcasts are embedded below. You can listen to them in your browser or download them as MP3 files. In just a few days, I will also launch a website for the show at

We are looking for sponsors for the show. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from the incredible reach that these two radio stations have (talk about advertising exposure!), please do contact me at 985-635-4974 or email me at jeff [at]
