Entering Into Advent
Advent begins today. Advent. You know, that season of the Church that seems like a blur? The one that’s neatly tucked in between Thanksgiving and Christmas? The one that is so easy
Advent begins today. Advent. You know, that season of the Church that seems like a blur? The one that’s neatly tucked in between Thanksgiving and Christmas? The one that is so easy
Still trying to decide which side dishes are going to accompany your Thanksgiving turkey tomorrow? Daniel Schumacher, editor-in-chief of Louisiana Cookin’ magazine [http://louisianacookin.com/], has some ideas for you. Daniel joined us
It’s that time of the year again. Time to try to remember how to carve a turkey [https://www.google.com/search?q=catholicfoodie.com%3A+turkey&oq=catholicfoodie.com%3A+
Chef Keith Frentz of LOLA Restaurant [http://lolacovington.com/] in Covington joined us around the table a couple of weeks ago to talk about LOLA Restaurant and about the recent “take over” of
Last February I led the first Food Meets Faith pilgrimage to the Holy Land [http://cfjwyoung.wpengine.com/food-meets-faith-in-the-holy-land]. We were there for 11 days. We spent the first 4 days in the
On Tuesday evening, November 18, 2014, 38 guests joined me at LOLA Restaurant [http://lolacovington.com/] in Covington to celebrate the debut of my first book, Around the Table with The Catholic Foodie:
My wife and I met in a bar. True, the bar was inside of a seafood restaurant, but it was still a bar. Drusilla Seafood in Baton Rouge. She was a waitress and
My friend Lisa Hendey’s new book is making quite a splash. And for good reason. Lisa M. Hendey is a popular Catholic author, blogger, speaker, and the founder of CatholicMom.com [http:
I always wanted to be a writer. I loved books when I was a kid, and I loved to read. Stories about authors fascinated me, and I enjoyed reading the behind-the-scenes stories about
THIBODAUX — The Chef John Folse Culinary Institute [http://www.nicholls.edu/culinary/] at Nicholls State University will honor the 10th anniversary of the Institut Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance with a French-themed celebration during
On November 9, 2014 the Besh Restaurant Group [http://www.chefjohnbesh.com/] (BRG) announced that it will open Willa Jean Bakery in The Paramount at South Market District [http://paramountnola.com/] (611 O’
Loyola Press’s new series, Food and Faith [http://www.loyolapress.com/arts-and-faith-culinary-arts.htm], explores how Catholics feed their faith through the culinary arts. In the lead-up to Thanksgiving, discover fascinating stories about