January 12, 2016

Ordinary Time Ain't so Ordinary

Ordinary Time Ain't so Ordinary

On the show today… Why Ordinary Time might be a misnomer, Dr. Brant Pitre clues us in on what to expect in Ordinary Time, and Pope Francis and Eric Neubauer remind us of the importance of our Baptisms and why we might want to know the dates and celebrate it each year… kinda like a birthday. Also on the show, I talk about the movie Julie & Julia and dig into the first have of Chef Alon Shaya’s top 15 “must-try” restaurants in New Orleans. All this and more on The Catholic Foodie Show… where food meets faith!


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Celebrating Our Baptisms

In addition to the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, Sunday was also the anniversary of my wife’s baptism.

Do you do that? Do you celebrate your baptism day?

Sunday Pope Francis recommended that we do.

In his Sunday Angelus remarks Pope Francis stressed the importance of both knowing and celebrating the day of our baptism, since it is through the sacrament that we become children of God.

“I ask you a question: who among you remembers the day of their baptism?” the Pope asked during his Jan. 10 Angelus address, marking the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

“Certainly, not everyone” knows the date, he noted, and urged those who don’t to go and look for it, if necessary asking parents, grandparents, godparents or even their parish for help.

Baptism is important to celebrate because “it’s the date of our rebirth as children of God,” Francis said, and gave those present “the homework” of finding the date during the coming week.

Read the full story here: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/do-you-celebrate-the-day-of-your-baptism-pope-francis-asks-62327/

My friend Eric Neubauer just published an article on baptism at 21CenturyPilgrim.com. I found it edifying and inspiring, and I believe that you will too. You can find it here: Baptism Changes Everything.

Julie & Julia

I haven’t read the book. And I’ve heard that success didn’t treat Julie Powell too well. And her second book, I hear, is – unfortunately – not in the same category as Julie & Julia. But I really like this movie. It’s positive, upbeat, fun and inspiring. My wife and I re-watched it Sunday night with the kids. It was their first time watching it. It reminded me why I love cooking so much. Food has the power to bring people such joy. And enjoying food is so… human. If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend it. You can watch the trailer here:

And I just have to share this one, too, because I absolutely agree… you can never have too much butter!
