#NOLAChefsAid for the Philippines Needs YOUR Help!

New Orleans Chefs to Cook Up Food, Fun and Philanthropy to Benefit the Philippines – Tomorrow Night!
Last week I published an article about an exciting culinary event in New Orleans that aims to raise much-needed funds for the recovery efforts in the Philippines, which is still reeling from the devastation wrought by Super Typhoon Haiyan. That event takes place tomorrow night, Monday, December 16, 2013.
Though we are in the season of giving – the Advent / Christmas Season – this worthy event is up against so many of the usual holiday distractions… shopping, Christmas parties, holiday preparations, and so many of the other things that make the holidays what they are. That’s why I am turning to you for help in getting the word out.
Below is a letter from a leader in the Filipino community in New Orleans who has family back in the Philippines. She has been instrumental in pulling together the #NOLAChefsAid for the Philippines event.
The need for this event is clearly very real as the death toll continues to rise, and those who survived the typhoon – who number in the millions – continue to suffer. It’s been weeks since the typhoon hit the Philippines and the media coverage is fading away. Those of us on the Gulf Coast who endured Hurricane Katrina know what that is like. The media and the rest of the world move on, while you are left to pick up the pieces of your life.
That is why we are making one last push to get the word out about tomorrow night’s event. We need your help to make our voice heard above the holiday distractions. You may not live in or near New Orleans, but that does not matter. We need your help! In typical New Orleans fashion, this event will bring together food and fun for a great cause. This is so important, and we need your help to spread the word.
Regular admission tickets are now going for 3 for $99. The regular price is $50 each. VIP tickets are $100 each. We have over 35 amazing chefs preparing out-of-this-world food to help those in need. Tickets are on sale at http://nolachefsaid.com.
A Plea from a Local Leader of the Filipino Community in New Orleans
Please read the letter below and share this article with your friends and family via email, Twitter, and Facebook. That alone will help so much. To make it easier to share, you can click the links below to share on Twitter and Facebook. THANK YOU!!!
@chefjohnbesh Big #NOLA #chef event on Monday to help recovery in #Philippines. Please share! http://t.co/AYZrd6bBZl. #NOLAChefsAid
— Jeff Young (@CatholicFoodie) December 14, 2013
Dear New Orleans Community,
There is nothing like the feeling of knowing you have given aid to someone who is less fortunate than you, especially during the holiday season. And there is no better way to share the holiday spirit of giving by supporting the NOLA Chefs’ Dinner. Please join us at our NOLA chefs’ charity fundraiser to aid the suffering victims of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan. Forty chefs have come together to donate their time, their talent and their compassion to benefit the survivors and suffering victims of this devastated region of the Philippines.
Unfortunately, the most recent news is the death toll has risen to over 6,000 and more are expected to perish due to the lack of water, food, shelter, medicine, disease, and yes, heartbreak. Although aid has trickled in, millions continue to suffer. And although there are signs of new life and babies are born daily, yet many more babies and children are dying.
Millions of victims desperately need aid, relief and assistance. We appeal to you and your emotions during this blessed holiday season to aid this mass of humanity, who have always led a simple life, but now even that has been taken from them. Bustling cities and suburban neighborhoods to the smallest island communities have been completely wiped off the map.
Just imagine this same region being continuously ravaged and devastated by 2 massive earthquakes and 2 typhoons in a 1 ½ year period. Sound familiar? As survivors of not just the 1 – 2 punch, but the 1 – 4 punch of Katrina, Rita, Gustav & Ike, we know what’s it like to be without. We know that feeling of emptiness and despair, but we bounced back and have forged on because of the love and aid we received from others. Let’s all come together like our chefs have and help the Philippines in its time of need. Let us give them hope. Let us give them love.
We are excited about this crucial event and look forward to seeing the NOLA community come out in numbers. Let’s show the Philippines how we New Orleanians know how to pay it forward.
The event will be held at the Hilton Riverside, Poydras Street, Monday, December 16, 2013, from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. The VIP Champagne Meet and Greet the Chefs is 5:30 – 6:30 at $100.00. General Admission is $50.00 or 3 tickets for $99.00. All proceeds will go directly to aid the typhoon victims of the Philippines.
Christmas is around the corner and what a wonderful gift this would be not only to the recipient but a gift of hope for the typhoon victims.
From the bottom of our hearts, Salamat Po (Thank you.)