May 22, 2015

New Catholic Media Outlet to Focus on Relational Evangelization

New Catholic Media Outlet to Focus on Relational Evangelization

Real Life Radio, a US based Catholic media organization, has launched a new network of original programs delivered via mobile streaming apps. The new network features programs from established authors, bloggers, speakers and media professionals from across the United States who have joined efforts to focus on one main directive, Relational Evangelization.

Leo Brown, Real Life Radio’s GM and Executive Director has this to say, “Stats are staggering when you see the amount of bleeding in our churches. According to CARA, Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, 90% of RCIA converts are gone within their first year in the Church. Matthew Kelly, author of Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, suggests that less than 7% of Catholics who regularly attend mass are engaged in their faith. And this is after another alarming chart that shows mass attendance as low as 17% on some weekends in the US. To me, this is a tragedy. It clearly says that something needs to be done. This is about bringing the joy of the Gospel directly to people on the devices that they use to connect to the world as they move through their day.”

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Real Life Radio’s approach is clear. It’s evangelization to the disengaged and disconnected Catholics who at least still make it to mass at some point in the year. Real Life Radio’s ethic is to preach, not to the Choir, but to the Narthex (the gathering area in the entrance of the Church which was historically the area where those converting to the Catholic faith we’re taught about the Church as they continued their conversion process). This is done with a focus on topical, cultural and relationship issues all with an uncompromising filter of an authentically Catholic worldview.

Real Life Radio’s accessibility is new as well. The network content is generated by show hosts from across the US and then delivered through streaming on both the Real Life Radio website and the Real Life Radio mobile apps for iPhone and Android. Eventually, as the community platforms grow, Real Life Radio will deliver unique and localized content to individual communities through geo-location services in web browsers and mobile devices.

“This is all very exciting and emerging”, says Brown. “With this platform we have effectively managed to eliminate the two biggest hurdles to the growth of Catholic media, geography and cost. Typical terrestrial stations can range upwards of tens of millions of dollars; that is, if you can find one available that has any audience potential. Streaming, podcasting and mobile platforming can go anywhere and cost pennies comparatively. This is an amazing opportunity we’ve been given.”

For more information contact Leo Brown at or call 855-949-1380.
