Help Send Sarah to Ireland

Just over a month ago, on June 4th, 2014, Pope Francis spoke a powerful word to the young people of the world. He said, “It would be sad if a young person kept his youth in a stongbox: such youth becomes old in the worse sense of the word. It turns in to a wreck, is good for nothing. Youth is to be risked: to risk it well, to risk it with hope. It is to wager on great things. Youth is to be given, so that others will know the Lord. Do not save your youth for yourselves: Go Forward!”
Today I want to tell you about a young person – a friend of mine – who has taken these words of Pope Francis to heart. She is putting them into action by giving the next year of her life to serve other young people as part of the National Evangelization Team (NET) in Ireland. Her name is Sarah Stoehr, and she is going to Ireland for Christ.
“Youth is to be risked: to risk it well, to risk it with hope. It is to wager on great things. Youth is to be given, so that others will know the Lord. Do not save your youth for yourselves: Go Forward!”
Following the Example of Pope Francis: Young People on Mission

NET is a ministry of Catholic Missionaries who share Jesus’ gospel message with young people in a team format. NET Ministries Ireland encourage young people to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church. NET Ireland recruits and trains teams to evangelise to over 20,000 youth every year in churches, schools, parishes, and dioceses across Ireland.
NET’s mission, to encourage young people to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church, is accomplished by:
- Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus through a personal witness of faith
- Inviting young people to live for Jesus
- Forming young people in Christian character through the study and practice of our faith
- Equipping youth workers and young adults with the ministry skills needed for evangelization.
”Our churches are not as full as we would like them to be, vibrant young people who want to share their faith are stepping out and volunteering to share the gospel message with us.”
Sarah in Ireland for Christ
Sarah Stoehr is stepping out and volunteering to share the gospel message with the young people of Ireland. But getting there and staying there costs money.
Last weekend the Stoehr family organized a fundraising event in New Orleans. Fireman Mike Gowland – the famous Jazz Fest chef and fireman and winner of Food Network’s Chopped – cooked for all those in attendance. The Stoehr’s were able to raise almost half of what Sarah needs for this year.
And now I invite you to help in whatever way you can.
Clicking on this link will take you to NET Ministries Ireland’s website where you can make a donation. In the check-out process, you will be able to include Sarah Stoehr’s name, so that NET will properly apply the donation to Sarah’s account.
Thank you so much for any amount that you can donate to help Sarah serve Jesus in Ireland for the next year. She leaves in less than two weeks and she is so excited to share the gospel message of Jesus with the young people of Ireland.
Thank YOU for helping her in this endeavor!