January 21, 2013

Mardi Gras Special: WordPress Blog TuneUp Or Setup

Mardi Gras WordPress Special

It’s Mardi Gras time! Laissez les bon temps roulez!

For most of the world Advent and Christmas are over and we are now in Ordinary Time. But down here in New Orleans this little stretch of Ordinary Time isn’t so ordinary. We call it Carnival Season. From Epiphany to Fat Tuesday, the whole region is abuzz with parade preparations, King Cake baking, and family get-togethers.

King Cakes and WordPress

Carnival Season (or Mardi Gras Season, as some like to refer to it) isn’t only about King Cake and parades. I confess that I do make at least one King Cake a week during this season, and we do hit most of the major parades… and those parades start rolling two weeks before Mardi Gras Day. But real work does actually happen during this season too. Really. Both around the region and in my own life. 😉

You may have never been to Mardi Gras. You may not even have pleasant thoughts when you think of Mardi Gras… Maybe the only thing you know about Mardi Gras is what you have seen on MTV and the news channels. For the news media bad news is good news, so they like to portray the seedier side of things. But that’s not what Mardi Gras is all about. Believe it or not, Mardi Gras is Catholic through and through. And down here Mardi Gras is a family celebration. This is a good time of the year. Especially if you happen to be a Catholic food blogger. 😉

This year Mardi Gras has some competition in the Crescent City. New Orleans is host to the Superbowl this year. Between Mardi Gras, the Superbowl, and the beginning of Lent, there is LOTS to write about when it comes to faith and FOOD! I am so happy to be a part of gentle, yet powerful, movement called Sunday Supper. The goal is to encourage and support families to gather around the dinner table together more frequently, especially on Sundays. Being involved with SundaySupper gives me the opportunity to write about food and family on a weekly basis. It also provides me the opportunity to rub elbows with other food bloggers who share the same passion for food and family.

One thing that I have learned over the last few months is that not every food blogger is into the technical side of blogging. It was something of  a surprise to me at first, because I am a “techie.” It’s what I do for a living. I build attractive websites that work. But not all food bloggers are like me. And that makes sense, right? Some bloggers just want to write. They don’t want to play around with all the technology that actually makes their blog work. Not every blogger is a techie. Just like not every eater is a cook.

And that is perfectly fine.

Some people love to eat good food, they just don’t like to cook. But I love to cook and eat. At the same time, I love to create beautiful and functional websites and create engaging content too. That’s just who I am. And if who I am can help you be who you are, all the better.

A Catholic. A Foodie. A Techie. A Wizard.

You might be wondering why The Catholic Foodie is talking about WordPress and blogs and websites. What’s the deal?

Well, I may be The Catholic Foodie, but what puts food on the table is my work as a WordPress expert. I left my career in education and catechesis about two and half years ago to set up camp in the new digital landscape. I think I have a knack for this kind of thing. Other folks think so too.

This is what Mary DeTurris Poust wrote the other day after I helped her to migrate her website from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress site:

Last but certainly not least is Jeff Young, aka The Catholic Foodie, who descended upon this project seemingly from out of nowhere, offering plug-ins, html, and unending assistance with all the important final details that took this from there to here. He was adapting code while cooking down chicken feet and making a dry roux (Don’t know what a dry roux is? Neither did I. How-to is on his website.) Quite honestly, I think he’s a wizard. There’s simply no other explanation. A very generous, patient, talented, multi-tasking wizard. Please go visit him at The Catholic Foodie. If you need website design, marketing assistance, or instructions on how to peel chicken feet while simultaneously revamping your blog, visit Write Design Media. Sometimes people come into your life and you wonder what you did to deserve such a gift, Jeff (whom I have never met in person but who also contributed to both of my new books) is one of those people.

Did you hear that? She called me a wizard. Hehehe. [Blushing] I can’t claim magical powers, but I do know a thing or two about WordPress, websites and more. 😉

Here’s a quick Slidedeck to show you some of the recent websites and projects I’ve worked on:

[SlideDeck2 id=3937]

You can find more samples of my WordPress work at WriteDesignMedia.com.

So during Carnival Season I am offering 2 specials: a Blog TuneUp Special and a Blog Setup Special.

What’s the difference?

The TuneUp Special is for someone who is already running a self-hosted WordPress blog or website. The Setup Special is for anyone who either has no blog or website, or who has one on either Blogger or on WordPress.com… and who wants to upgrade to a self-hosted WordPress site.

Got a WordPress blog? Need a tune-up?

If you currently have a self-hosted WordPress blog or website, you can take advantage of my Mardi Gras WordPress TuneUp Special.

Here’s what you get with my Mardi Gras WordPress TuneUp:

  • Updates and Upgrades to WordPress and all Plugins (a $80 value!)
  • Full backup of all files and database (a $100 value!)
  • Evaluation and any necessary corrections of settings (for WordPress and for plugins) (a $100 value!)
  • Recommendations on how to improve WordPress functionality and SEO (a $100 value!)
  • 10 free blog post evaluations and recommendations to optimize SEO (a $200 value!)

Additionally, you will get installation of my premium plugin package that includes:

That’s $770 worth of techie goodness for only $250!!!


WordPress TuneUp Special

On WordPress.com or Blogger and Want to Move to a Self-Hosted WordPress Site?

If you have no website, or you find yourself limited by what Blogger and WordPress.com have to offer, then you might want to take advantage of my Mardi Gras WordPress Setup Special.

Here’s what you get with my Mardi Gras WordPress Blog Setup:

  • Professional WordPress installation (a $200 value!)
  • Migration of content from current blogging platform, if applicable (a $75 value!)
  • 1 Premium theme on the Genesis Framework (an $80 value!)
  • Recommendations on how to improve WordPress functionality and SEO (a $100 value!)
  • 10 free blog post evaluations and recommendations to optimize SEO (a $200 value!)

Additionally, you will get installation of my premium plugin package that includes:

That’s $770 worth of techie goodness for only $300!!!


WordPress Setup Special

“What if I’m not ready now?”

No problem. If life is too busy this Mardi Gras Season for you to think about getting into a “techie project,” but you know you want to upgrade or setup your blog soon (like during Lent!), then go ahead and take advantage of this special now. I will do the work when you are ready.

Need More?

If you don’t need either of the WordPress specials I am offering here, then perhaps you could benefit from some of the other services I offer. Please email me for a quote on any of the following services.

Additional Services I Offer:

In addition to the special noted above, I also offer the following services. And, during Mardi Gras, I am offering a 20% discount on my usual prices.

  • SEO Blog Post Packages
  • Blog / Website Customization
  • Installation & configuration of Google Analytics or GetClicky Analytics
  • Setup and configuration of Customized email (“vanity” email) using Google Apps
  • Setup, install, migrate comments to Disqus Comment System
  • Gravity Forms Integration with Aweber or Mailchimp
  • Gravity Forms integration with PayPal
  • Install and configuration of Cart66 for e-commerce
  • Premise installation and configuration (Premise is the premium WordPress landing page software)
  • Slidedeck 2.0 installation and configuration (Slidedeck 2.0 is the premier slider for WordPress)

Again, please email me for a quote on any of the services listed above.

Spread the word. And…

Happy Mardi Gras! Laissez les bon temps roulez!
