July 26, 2013

Lisa Hendey – Catholic Mom & Catholic Tourist

Lisa Hendey – Catholic Mom & Catholic Tourist
Lisa Hendey on pilgrimage.
CatholicTourist.com — Sacred Adventures along the Path to Heaven

Lisa Hendey & Chef Joey La Bella Join Us Around the Table

Chef Joey La Bella, executive chef on the Steamboat Natchez, and Lisa Hendey – founder of CatholicMom.com and CatholicTourist.com – join us on this edition of Around The Table Food Show, which originally aired on Friday, July 19, 2013.

Steamboat Natchez

The Steamboat Natchez Launches a Sunday Jazz Brunch

Following our recent conversation with Kitty Cleveland about New Orleans’ brunch favorites and the local experience known as the Jazz Brunch, we invited Chef Joey La Bella to join us on the show to talk about the recent announcement of the new Sunday Jazz Brunch aboard the Steamboat Natchez, New Orleans’ only steamboat.

“Welcome aboard the most unique blend of ‘real New Orleans’. Combine a two hour cruise on the iconic Steamboat NATCHEZ with traditional live jazz by some of the most talented musicians of the genre- The Steamboat Stompers. For the crowning achievement, add a mouth-watering New Orleans Brunch. Brunch is a staple in New Orleans life – a time to enjoy food, music, and refreshing beverages with friends and family. Whether a visitor or local, you can ‘pass a good time’ at the Steamboat NATCHEZ Jazz Brunch.” – from SteamboatNatchez.com

Listen to the show below to hear Chef Joey talk about the brunch menu, including their special Red Velvet Hot Cakes topped with clove-infused Steen’s cane syrup.

Lisa Hendey - Catholic Foodie - New Orleans

Catholic Mom Lisa Hendey Launches CatholicTourist.com

Lisa Hendey is probably best recognized as the founder and editor of CatholicMom.com. She is also the author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms and A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms.

Just a few months ago, Lisa launched a new project called CatholicTourist.com. Here’s what she says about this new project on the website:

“As a Catholic who loves her faith and a frequent adventurer who’s always up for a new journey, I thought it would be fun to combine my two passions into a new blog. I’m a wife and mom, a writer, a speaker and an impassioned traveler. I hope to use this space to share new places I discover, to offer tips for destinations and simplifying the journey, to meet fellow pilgrims and most especially to share my faith.”

Listen to the show below to hear Lisa talk about the inspiration behind CatholicTourist.com and what she sees for the future of the project.

Around The Table Food Show

Around The Table Food Show debuted on Friday, April 12, 2013 in New Orleans and Baton Rouge on Catholic Community Radio (690 AM in NOLA and 1380AM in BR). It is also available for listening online.

Like The Catholic Foodie podcast, Around The Table Food Show is a radio show that talks about food and faith. Around The Table celebrates the joy of cooking and dining, and it encourages folks to get into the kitchen and to gather around the table with family and friends… Because good things happen around the table.

Around The Table Food Show highlights the local culture and cuisine of south Louisiana. The show is hosted by Dave Dawson and myself. Dave Dawson is the president of Catholic Community Radio, which has stations in both Baton Rouge and New Orleans.

Catholic Community Radio Listening Area

The show airs on Fridays at 3:10 PM Central (just after the Divine Mercy Chaplet) in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The listening area spans from the Mississippi/Alabama border all the way to the west of Baton Rouge on the way to Lafayette.

Each broadcast is recorded, archived, and released as a podcast. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. The first two broadcasts are embedded below. You can listen to them in your browser or download them as MP3 files. In just a few days, I will also launch a website for the show at AroundTheTableRadio.com.

Join me in the Holy Land in February 2014!


Register between now and October 1st and receive $50.00 off, plus get a free copy of Jeff’s collection of Middle Eastern recipes!

Contact Information

Susan Prendergrast
(800) 842-4842

Join us as we PRAY and BREAK BREAD together in Israel

Experience food preparation and cooking demonstrations led by “Catholic Foodie” Jeff Young and the “Chefs For Peace.”


Price of $3,795.00 includes airfare from Atlanta, Philadelphia, or Newark.

3 nights in Nazareth and 5 nights in Jerusalem

Highlights include:

  • Celebrating Mass at Mount Carmel, the Church of the Nativity, the Mount of the Beatitudes, the Basilica of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  • Renewing Marriage Vows in Cana and Baptismal Vows at the River Jordan
  • Visiting the Churches of the Annunciation, Visitation, and Assumption
  • Sailing on the Sea of Galilee and Swimming in the Dead Sea
  • Touring a Franciscan Winery in Bethlehem and a Brewery in Taybeh
  • Praying the Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa, and visiting the “Wailing Wall,” the “Upper Room,” the Palace of Caiaphas, the Pools of Bethesda, the Mount of Olives , and Dormition Abbey
  • And finally a Farewell Supper at Emmaus

Details and registration form are at /holyland
