Jamie Oliver’s TED Award Speech
Yes, this video is almost 22 minutes long. It’s also imperative that you watch it. IMHO, of course.
Jamie Oliver is making waves with his Food Revolution. Just two days ago, the Los Angeles Unified School District yanked Jamie’s permit to film on school property. He’s been in Los Angeles for the last few weeks producing Season 2 of his Food Revolution. Season 1 was launched in March 2010 and was set in Huntington, West Virginia.
I love what Jamie is doing. He is calling America back to real food vs. processed food. He is calling families back into the kitchen to cook instead of 1) eating out or picking up fast food and 2) just heating up processed, pre-made meals at home. He is also calling families back to the dinner table… And with the proper utensils too!
After launching his Food Revolution in March 2010 (and it really is a revolution!), he was recognized and awarded the TED Prize. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit organization “devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.” TED started in 1984 as a conference. It has grown since then. One of its projects is the TED Prize, which is given annually “to an exceptional individual who receives $100,000 and, much more important, the granting of ‘One Wish to Change the World.'” In 2010, that prize was awarded to Jamie Oliver because of his Food Revolution.
The video below is Jamie’s award acceptance speech. If you can spare the 22 minutes, I highly recommend that you watch this.
Thank you, Jamie, for your Food Revolution!