I’ve Been Tagged!

I’ve been tagged with a Lenten meme by Fr. Jay Finelli at iPadre.net.

The rules:

Those tagged will share 5 things they “love” about Jesus / Or why they love Jesus. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.

  1. The fact that Jesus loves me just as I am… but he also loves me too much to let me stay this way!
  2. Jesus’ love is real. I experience it in a personal way in prayer, in the Eucharist, and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  3. Jesus is Divine Mercy incarnate.
  4. Jesus speaks to us today through Scripture and the Church.
  5. Though he is God, Jesus is also fully human, which means that his love makes sense… and makes use of our senses!

Now I’m  supposed to tag 5 bloggers and spread this meme.