CF98-2 – With a Grateful Heart

CF98-2 – With a Grateful Heart

A special “thank you” to for sponsoring the show today! If you haven’t listened to CF98-1 yet, you need to. Dane Falkner of makes a few announcements… and they are time sensitive! Tomorrow is the last day to get the iPhone / iPad app at 50% off! Listen to CF98-1 or go to and listen to the message there.

Today, on Thanksgiving Day, we talk about gratitude. I share with you some thoughts gleaned from Rebecca Teti at Faith & Family Live, and I take an online quiz to test how grateful I really am!

In case you missed it the other day, Char published her first blog post ever (on Tuesday). I am so excited about that! You can read it here. In the post she also shares her recipes for creamed spinach and sweet potato pudding. Give it a read and let us know what you think!

Advent?!? Already?!? Sarah Reinhard, in this week’s Mary in the Kitchen, reminds us that Mary will help us prepare ourselves for the Infant Christ, if only we’ll ask for help.

Special thanks to L’Angelus for letting us use their Ave Maria in the show!

Here are the links I referred to in the show:

Kate Daneluk and Making Music Praying Twice

George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

Wall Street Journal article on Gratitude

Rebecca Teti’s article on gratitude at Faith & Family Live

The Handbook for Catholic Moms by Lisa Hendey at

Simplicities of Life

SQPN Giving Campaign

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