April 25, 2010

CF69 – Of Dates and Feasts

CF69 – Of Dates and Feasts

Lots of post-Easter feasting and… lots of dates recently.

Yes, dates. As in dates with my wife.

We don’t often have the chance to get away together by ourselves. Christopher, Annabelle, and Grace usually stick close to us.

But this week has been different. And we tell you all about it here on episode 69 of the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!

During this week’s Mary in the Kitchen, Sarah Reinhard shares a reflection on the Liturgy of the Hours. The article she references by Danielle Bean, “A Mother’s Liturgy of the Hours,” is a lovely inspiration on a practical application of the Liturgy of the Hours.

A special thanks to L’Angelus for letting us use their Ave Maria in the show!

Here are some of the things we mentioned in the show:

To leave feedback for the Catholic Foodie, call 985-635-4974 and leave a message. You can also leave feedback for me at jeff@catholicfoodie.com.

Download episode 69 here or listen to it below:

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