CF68 – Jesus, I Trust in You!

CF68 – Jesus, I Trust in You!

On today’s show, Char and I discuss devotion to Divine Mercy, indulgences, gardening, and we make a HUGE announcement. At least it’s huge for me.

We decided to give Sarah Reinhard a break this week, since she spent the weekend packing to come down here to New Orleans!

So, there will be no Mary in the Kitchen segment this episode. But maybe we can record something special when we get together this week.

This is an intense show, y’all. Not only do we discuss sin and Divine Mercy and indulgences, but we also share a bit more deeply about our Lent experience. And the big announcement? Whoa. You gotta hear it!

Despite the fact that Char planted her garden late this year, it is really taking off. It is so wonderful to eat your very own Romaine, spinach, arugula, and more. YUM!

For more info on the things we talked about in the show, check out these links:

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