September 6, 2009

CF36 – That Foodie Football Tailgating Show Thing

CF36 – That Foodie Football Tailgating Show Thing

What a full show! Though I was undecided on how to call the episode, I was absolutely certain of what the episode was about: tailgating… LSU-style!

We also talk about new SQPN podcasters, lots of food… tailgating food and beer!  What we really want to talk about is how to take your usual tailgating fare and “kick it up a notch!”

I also announce a new contest… you could win a new Catholic Foodie t-shirt or apron!

We have feedback and hamburgers, lots of hamburgers (and we ain’t talkin’ McDonald’s, baby!).

How about taking your Catholic Vitamins so you can be healthy and strong?

Confirmation, Among Women, In Between Sundays, SQPN Gear (, Catholic Foodie t-shirts, aprons, coffee mugs… AND so much more!

You don’t want to miss this exciting episode of the Catholic Foodie… Where food meets faith!

Links I refer to in the show:

Download the promos for In Between Sundays & Among Women Podcast

Download the new Catholic Foodie promo

In Between Sundays

Among Women Podcast

The Catholic Foodie Recipe for Hummus

(the Catholic Foodie recipe for tzatziki sauce is coming soon!)

SQPNgear.comGet your Catholic Foodie apron, t-shirt, coffee mug or tote bag here!

Catholic Moments Podcast

Catholic Vitamins Podcast

Follow me on Twitter: @catholicfoodie

Join the family over at SQPN Connect. The Catholic Foodie has a page there!

DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE CONTEST! YOU could win a Catholic Foodie t-shirt or apron! Just call 985-635-4974 and tell me about a tailgating experience OR about how food meets faith in your life. Call now and leave a message… Contest ends Saturday, and the winner will be announced next Sunday.

To leave feedback for the Catholic Foodie, call 985-635-4974 and leave a message. You can also leave feedback for me at

Download episode 36 here or listen to it below:

Get new episodes of the Catholic Foodie by subscribing for free via iTunes or in another podcatcher. Find me also at

You can also find me at:

the Catholic Foodie on Facebook

the Catholic Foodie on Twitter

And over at

Image courtesy of Chiceaux on