June 30, 2015

CF219 – Chef John Besh and My Family Table

CF219 – Chef John Besh and My Family Table

Welcome to The Catholic Foodie Show on You-supported Real Life Radio. I’m your host Jeff Young, The Catholic Foodie and today I want to talk with you about one of my favorite cookbooks… My Family Table by Chef John Besh. I’ll also share with you a conversation I had with Chef John back in 2013 when Msgr. Christopher Nalty, David Dawson, and I interviewed him on the Around the Table Food Show in New Orleans.

Chef John Besh is a local boy. He grew up not too far from me here in New Orleans. He is a chef, of course, a very successful restauranteur, and he is a Catholic. I can’t wait to share a bit about him with you today on the show, and talk about his second cookbook titled My Family Table: A Passionate Plea for Home Cooking.

Thank you for listening to The Catholic Foodie Show.

Before we get into talking about Chef John Besh and his cookbook My Family Table, I want to give a shoutout to Sarah in Memphis. She just wrote to me on The Catholic Foodie Facebook page about 30 minutes ago, and this is what she said…

Spent part of the weekend making recipes from your cookbook. Oh my goodness – tabouli and eggplant salad were the best. I have made tabouli for years and not achieved this stage of yumminess. I used Israeli olive oil that I buy locally from a Memphis restaurant, Casablanca. The family of the owner grows olives in the Holy Land, processes it, and then the oil is sold through the restaurant. That oil and your recipes made all the difference. Thank you!

Thank you so much, Sarah, for sharing that with me. It’s feedback like that that makes all the hard work worth it. I am so glad that you are enjoying the cookbook and all the yummy recipes.

And you, dear friend, if you want to get a copy of my book Around the Table with The Catholic Foodie: Middle Eastern Cuisine, you can order it online from Amazon.com, or directly from the publisher at Liguori.org, or from our friends over at Aquinas & More at aquinasandmore.com. And Aquinas & More is offering FREE SHIPPING right now if you use the coupon code FOODIERADIO at checkout!

If you already have the book, and you like it, please do drop me a line. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. You can email me at jeff@catholicfoodie.com.Or better yet, leave me voice feedback by calling 985-635-4974.


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