April 12, 2011

CF112 – Po-boys & Penance

CF112 – Po-boys & Penance

History of the po-boy, Catholic Foodie’s Top 5 Types of Po-Boys & the Top 5 Po-Boy Establishments between New Orleans & Baton Rouge. Shout-outs to Dianna Kennedy (and CatholicMothersOnline.com), Craig Poirier, Lisa Hendey, and Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, TOR. Sarah Reinhard joins us too!

Links mentioned in the show:

The Catholic Foodie’s Top 5 Po-Boy Establishments (between New Orleans & Baton Rouge):

  1. Bear’s
  2. Koz’s
  3. The Chimes
  4. Georges (under the overpass) “Bussiness is great – People are terrific – Life is wonderful”
  5. Mike Serio’s & Parran’s

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Download episode 112 here or listen to it below:

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