February 5, 2011

CF106 – Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

CF106 – Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Today we talk about Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution. You know… Jamie Oliver, the British chef who is out to save America from itself. He’s making waves on this side of the pond. He’s currently in Los Angeles, California, producing season 2 of his controversial reality TV show.

I am very excited about our guest today. Kelly the Kitchen Kop joins us to chat about Jamie’s revolution. I am very happy to be able to share her insights with you.

Sarah Reinhard brings us another excellent Mary in the Kitchen segment. Today Sarah talks with us about Play-doh and prayer. I know I said the same thing last episode, but I made a mistake. Last episode Sarah talked to us about love letters in her kitchen. This week she is going to talk about Play-doh and prayer. I can’t wait!

You find all this and more right here at the Catholic Foodie, where food meets faith!

Here are some of the links mentioned in the episode:

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Download episode 106 here or listen to it below:

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