Around the Table with Kris Camealy of

Last Friday Kris Camealy joined us around the table to talk about a new online food & faith initiative called Grace Table.
At the outset, I must give a grateful hat-tip to my friend Colleen Mitchell of for pointing out to me the launch of Grace Table. As a result of Colleen’s heads-up, I was able to check out within the first week or two of its existence. I was surprised to learn that it was a new endeavor. The quality – of both design and content – deeply impressed me.
But what impressed me the most was Grace Table’s focus. Through topics of food & faith, and with a deep sense of hospitality, Grace Table focuses resolutely on the perfect host and the perfect guest: Jesus.
The contributors share stories about the blessings that come to us when we open ourselves to an encounter with Jesus… around the table and any other place in our life where Jesus comes to meet us. With topics like gratitude, brave hospitality, family, practicing presence, spiritual growth, and provision, you will find writing that carries a certain depth and that sometimes makes you feel uncomfortable… in the good way. Grace Table’s stories challenge and inspire. They help you to open up and become just vulnerable enough to be touched by grace.
“We are people who love God, who love communion and who love a good dinner table conversation. We are storytellers who love food. We’re chefs, short-order cooks, soup stirrers, and birthday cake makers. We are kitchen people, and grill masters. We make gourmet breakfasts and serve cereal for dinner. We are passionate about faith and food. We’re hungry for a table where grace is said and passed, like a warm basket full of rolls. Come break bread with us–we’ve saved you a seat.” – from
To listen, click on the Play button below. The show is also available on iTunes.
Recent Stories from
After listening to the show, visit and read through these recent stories:
- Unfancy Hospitality {And How to Make Sweet Tea}
- How Poverty Prepares for Presence in Hospitality
- Why We Go to the Table
- Come Weary: An Advent Invitation
- When Hospitality Doesn’t Come Easy
- When Hospitality Is Jesus Come Near
How Do You Find Jesus in Your Family and Around Your Table?
I’d love to hear how you find Jesus in your family. Tell me in the comments below!