April 24, 2013

Around The Table Radio

Around The Table Radio

Around The Table Radio… Because Good Things Happen Around The Table.

As I mentioned last week, there’s a new radio show in town, and it’s all about food!

Around The Table Radio debuted on Friday, April 12, 2013 in New Orleans and Baton Rouge on Catholic Community Radio (690 AM in NOLA and 1380AM in BR). It is also available for listening online.

Like The Catholic Foodie podcast, Around the Table is a radio show that talks about food and faith. Around The Table celebrates the joy of cooking and dining, and it encourages folks to get into the kitchen and to gather around the table with family and friends… Because good things happen around the table.

Around the Table Radio highlights the local culture and cuisine of south Louisiana. The show is hosted by Dave Dawson and myself. Dave Dawson is the president of Catholic Community Radio, which has stations in both Baton Rouge and New Orleans.

The show airs on Fridays at 3PM Central in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The listening area spans from the Mississippi/Alabama border all the way to the west of Baton Rouge on the way to Lafayette.

Catholic Community Radio Listening Area

Each broadcast is recorded, archived, and released as a podcast. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. The first two broadcasts are embedded below. You can listen to them in your browser or download them as MP3 files. In just a few days, I will also launch a website for the show at AroundTheTableRadio.com.

To give The Catholic Foodie podcast listeners a taste of this new radio show, I also included the first two broadcasts of Around The Table Radio into The Catholic Foodie podcast feed as episodes CF162 and CF163.

Incidentally, we are looking for sponsors for the show. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from the incredible reach that these two radio stations have (talk about advertising exposure!), please do contact me at 985-635-4974 or email me at jeff [at] catholicfoodie.com.

Bon appetit!

April 12, 2013 – The French Quarter Festival

Our first broadcast features the foods of the French Quarter Festival. Marci Schramm of French Quarter Festivals, Inc. joined us on show, along with Aynsley Fein from The Court of Two Sisters restaurant, and Nasr Nance from Dreamy Weenies. It was a fun show. I hope you enjoy it!

April 19, 2013 – Louisiana Seafood

Today’s topic is Louisiana Seafood. Our guests are Nealy Frentz of LOLA Restaurant in Covington, Louisiana, Ewell Smith, the Executive Director of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board, and Susan Whelan, also known as @NolaMaven on Twitter.

Feedback and Your Show Suggestions

If you have feedback for The Catholic Foodie or Around The Table Radio, call in to leave a pre-recorded message at 985-635-4974.

If you would like to suggest topics for upcoming broadcasts, you can call 985-635-4974, or email me at jeff [at] catholicfoodie.com.

Bon appetit!
