What Is The Catholic Foodie All About?

What Is The Catholic Foodie All About?
The recipes on the website are a great resource, but my main goal is to inspire and encourage families to get back into the kitchen and around the table. – Jeff Young

God created us for communion – with himself and with others – and one of the primary ways we experience communion is around the table: the table of the Eucharist at Mass, and also the family dinner table at home. From Genesis to Revelation, food plays an important role in God’s relationship with his people and in our relationship with each other. As a matter of fact, if you look at the book of Revelation, you’ll see that we are all heading for a huge feast… the wedding feast of the Lamb!

The Catholic Foodie is about food, but it’s not just about the food. It’s the meals. It’s the families around the table. It’s communion.

I do all of this by talking about “food meets faith.” There’s a rationale behind this phrase. Notice that it is not “faith meets food.” The order is intentional. We are humans and we have to eat to survive. But we also like to eat. Eating is pleasurable. And when we are not eating, we like to talk about food. Food is a wonderful place to start a conversation. And food dovetails so well with faith, it can be relatively easy to move from food to faith, from the common to the extraordinary.

Thank YOU for joining me here around the table at CatholicFoodie.com!

Words from Listeners, Readers, and Friends:

“Like food? Want to learn more about your faith? Jeff is personable, easy to listen to, and very knowledgeable about both subjects.” – Mike Lindner, from What Does Mike Think?

“I’m not a cook, though I like to eat. I do love learning about my Catholic faith, though. I didn’t expect to become a big fan of the Catholic Foodie as I have; Jeff makes me want to try my hand at some of the cooking and recipes. It’s not JUST about food, though, and his perspective on faith is valuable catechesis, and I appreciate every show.” – Sarah Reinhard, SnoringScholar.com.

“Though he doesn’t live in New Orleans proper, Jeff Young’s love of food, cooking and God is influenced by this Catholic city in which delicious meals abound! If you are interested in how the Church’s past and present history intersects with food, this is the podcast for you. Young’s talents as an educator shine through; he explains concepts in a lively way that never sounds preachy.” – Soyviz.

Words from around the Web

Get My Book!

My first book, published by Liguori Publications, is titled Around the Table with The Catholic Foodie: Middle Eastern Cuisine. It is now available online and at your favorite Catholic bookstore!
