5 New Podcast Episodes You Might Have Missed

5 New Podcast Episodes You Might Have Missed
5 Podcast Episodes You May Have Missed

It’s Not Your Fault

Now, if you missed them, it’s not your fault.

It’s mine.

You see, I just published them. 😉

For the longest time The Catholic Foodie podcast was a weekly show. Then life somehow conspired against me. Again.

The same thing happened earlier this year too. But, this time, I had to put my foot down.

I love producing The Catholic Foodie. It is something that I enjoy immensely. I did not want to let that go. So, in a Reese’s moment of inspiration I thought, “Hey, why don’t I produce an audio version of all the text-based content I have written over the past couple of months and publish it as podcasts?”

Brilliant, right?

They Are Live On iTunes & Your Favorite Podcatcher

For show notes, I just attached the audio file to the corresponding blog post. So it’s all live right now. If you are subscribed to The Catholic Foodie via iTunes, just refresh your iTunes feed and you will see the new episodes. If you use another podcatcher, just refresh the RSS feed and the new episodes will show up.

Let me point out that they will show up in the past. You see, I wanted to attach them to blog posts that were already published. So I tried to match the date as best I could for the audio version.

And Here’s The Good News…

More is on the way.

I already have two new episodes in production. And more is on the way.

Good news, indeed.

I don’t know if  you are as excited as I am, but I would love to know!

You see, I love podcasting! And from time to time I receive awesome notes from listeners that really inspire me.

Here is a recent note that I received:

“My wife made a point last night after her walk to say that she is missing your podcast!” – Patrick on Facebook

And then I received this note on iTunes:

“Miss you! You’ve gone again!! Please come back to us… We miss you!” – EdaiseyK on iTunes

So, if you are as excited as I am that I am now “back in the saddle,” I’d love to hear from you.

You can let me know in the following ways:

Leave a comment below

So, Where Are The Episodes?

I’m glad you asked.

You can listen to them right here on CatholicFoodie.com by clicking on the following links:

Or, if you prefer to listen to them on iTunes, you can click here to see The Catholic Foodie on iTunes.

And until next time… Bon Appetit!