#2PopeSaints, Mary Matalin, and a Roman Holiday

#2PopeSaints, Mary Matalin, and a Roman Holiday

Mary Matalin Joins Us to Talk about the Recent Canonizations and Her Trip to Rome

Mary Matalin – political consultant, author, and convert to Catholicism – joins us on the Around the Table Food Show to tell us what it was like to be in Rome for the recent canonizations of #2PopeSaint… Pope Saint John XXIII and Pope Saint John Paul II.

There’s food involved, of course. I mean, we’re talking Rome, Italy, right? And Catholics. We’re talking Catholics. So you know there’s food involved.

Mary Matalin
Mary Matalin

Mary tell us about a few of her favorite restaurants in Rome, and gives us a little peek into some of the dinner conversations she had with Cardinal Dolan and Cardinal Burke.

Listen below to get the inside story, or right-click this link and save the audio file for offline listening.
