10 Recipes in 10 Days?

A couple of weeks ago I issued a challenge for recipes. I asked whether or not we could contribute 10 recipes in 10 days.

Did we do it?


Actually, 15 recipes were submitted. Awesome!

Here they are:

Donna the Beachcomber Supper

Tarte Flambée

Homemade Refridgerator Bread

Apricot Chicken Salad

Sausage and Three Cheese Stuffed Pasta

Quick and Easy Crawfish Cakes

Swedish Apple Pie

Raw Soused Herring

Basic Onion Soup

Corn and Shrimp (or Crawfish) Chowder

Ice Cream Rolls

Paul’s Banana Bread

Halibut Olympia

Pieces of Eight / Cheese Cookies

Best Fried Fish

You can also find all of these recipes under the Recipe tab at the top of the page.

Now, get out your aprons and have some fun!

Bon appetit!

Image courtesy of woodwood on flickr.com.